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5th Grade Conservation Reports
6th Grade Socratic Seminar
Google Classroom Link
Please log in with your st-phil.org account and enter your class code
Some Reminders:
School Hours
7:30 a.m. Front Doors Open
7:45 a.m. Morning Prayer, Announcements and Attendance *Students who are not in class at 7:45 will be marked tardy*
7:50 a.m. Class Begins
12:10 p.m. Lunch and Recess
12:50 p.m. Afternoon Classes Begin
2:50 p.m. Change classes back to homeroom
3:00 p.m. Dismissal
Change of Class
- The teacher dismisses the class
- Enter the room quickly and quietly and be ready to start class on time
- Usually the washroom is only used during homeroom class times.
- Let the teacher know that you are leaving
- Other times, only emergency use is permitted.
Classroom Procedure
Each person has the right to speak and be heard by others.
Each person also has the obligation to insure that all others enjoy the same rights.
To help with this these rules must be observed:
- Wait until you are recognized before answering or speaking.
- Project so that your voice can be heard.
- Chairs should be pushed in place any time you get up.
- Waste paper, Kleenex, and any other trash should be disposed of before leaving the room.
Lunch Procedure
- Listen and follow directions of the supervisors.
- No sharing food. We eat only what we bring.
- No fast food
- No soda
- Homework is to be turned in on the day that it is due
- If an assignment is not turned in on time it may be turned in on the second day with a 10% reduction
- If the assignment is turned in after the second day it will be a 0%.
- Parents will be contacted if missing assignments become a reoccurring event.
- Due dates can be found on the class science page.
- There will be no communication/talking during tests/quizzes except for with the teacher
- Any talking/communication or cheating by other means will result in a 0%.
- Church is a place for reverence and reflection.
- Genuflect on the right knee upon entering and leaving the pew.
- When you reach your place kneel and say a short prayer.
- Actively participate by singing and praying.
Anti-bulling Policy
All Students must follow the anti-bullying policies of the diocese that can be found here: Anti-Bulling