School Social Worker
Mrs. Monika Chiappetta received her Bachelor Degree in Social Work from Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa and has a Masters in Social Work from Aurora University. She is a Licensed Social Worker and has her type 73 School Social Work Certificate. She has worked with children, parents, families and elderly since 1992. She has worked in Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Hospice and this is 23rd year as a School Social Worker and her 13th year at St. Philip the Apostle. One of Mrs. Chiappetta's main interests, in her spare time, is swimming....competing from 5 years old all the way through was a natural progression for her to coach. This is her 24th year as Head Boys and Girls High School Swimming at a local High School. She also owns a business and swim club that includes a swim team for ages 9-21 plus private coaching and lessons for infants all the way up to Senior Citizens. She has been married for 28 years and is blessed with two wonderful sons! Being a former Catholic School Student from kindergarten through graduating from College, it is a true joy for Mrs. Chiappetta to be able to provide Social Work services to Catholic Schools. Prevention is a large part of her weekly lessons, and her main goal is to teach all children how to be resilient! She also loves being able to creatively motivate the children to be the best catholic human beings possible!