Eighth Grade
Mrs. Gina Sannasardo is in her 14th year here as the 8th grade homeroom teacher and ELA/Reading teacher grades 5-8. She has her M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from UIUC with an endorsement in Reading/Language Arts as well as in Middle school. She also has earned her second M.Ed in Educational Leadership and School Administration from Lewis University and serves as our Assistant Principal for the 2nd year. For over 20 years she has prepped 8th Graders for the Sacrament of Confirmation as she has taught RE prior to working at St. Philip. Mrs. Sannasardo is an alumni of St. Philip's and graduated from Elmhurst College with a B.A. in Education. She and her husband are active parishioners in that they work with the youth group for events like Sleep Out Saturday and the Senior Valentine's Dinner Dance. They have two children: Juliana, a Sophomore at DePaul, and Peter, a 5th grader at Stone School. Mrs. Sannasardo considers St. Philip her second home and loves to work with families here as she nurtures their children's faith and academic excellence.