8th Grade Parents and Parents of Students of Grade 5 - 8 ELA and 8th Religion
Please read through the information below, and check for updates often. 8th Grade is certainly a unique time for both students and parents. There is a calendar of events listing on SchoolSpeak for our 8th graders this year. You will be given more information regarding all of these events as they get closer to happening, but that is a way to give you a ‘quick glance’ at what is ahead for 8th graders. If you want a further explanation of any of these events, please do not hesitate to ask.
In 8th Grade English
We do DOL every morning to practice basic grammar rules in our daily writing. (This is very important to complete). We will incorporate our conventions in our theme based units.
In Religion
We will start with our Call To Celebration: Confirmation book in which we are forming our faith to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmed adults in the Church!! Remember, service work is life-long!! Keep in mind the youth group called YOLO!!! You are welcome to ask Nancy McKnight, REO Director abour any service or YOLO activities. Lets get more involved! This is the time to do what you can for your church community! There will be Four GIFT meetings this year, and dates will be provided as soon as possible.
In 8th grade ELA
We will be continuing the holistic/theme-based approach in examining key concepts aligned with Common Core standards. Here we will be manipulating different forms of texts which employ the students opportunities to create and develop relevant and long lasting connections. In addition we will synthesize grammar conventions, vocabulary, and reading comprehension cohesively to build and enhance our curricula. In the end we have a product to which we will see the success of our learning!!
In 5th -7th Grade Literature
We are continuing the year with a holistic approach to theme/unit based curricula! Here we will infuse key concepts to which the Common Core standards are aligned and are affording the students an opportunity to utilize different forms of resources and texts to synthesize relevant and meaningful materials for long lasting connections. At the conclusion of our unit, we will have created a product of sorts connecting all the pieces together!!
Please read through the information below, and check for updates often. 8th Grade is certainly a unique time for both students and parents. There is a calendar of events listing on SchoolSpeak for our 8th graders this year. You will be given more information regarding all of these events as they get closer to happening, but that is a way to give you a ‘quick glance’ at what is ahead for 8th graders. If you want a further explanation of any of these events, please do not hesitate to ask.
In 8th Grade English
We do DOL every morning to practice basic grammar rules in our daily writing. (This is very important to complete). We will incorporate our conventions in our theme based units.
In Religion
We will start with our Call To Celebration: Confirmation book in which we are forming our faith to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmed adults in the Church!! Remember, service work is life-long!! Keep in mind the youth group called YOLO!!! You are welcome to ask Nancy McKnight, REO Director abour any service or YOLO activities. Lets get more involved! This is the time to do what you can for your church community! There will be Four GIFT meetings this year, and dates will be provided as soon as possible.
In 8th grade ELA
We will be continuing the holistic/theme-based approach in examining key concepts aligned with Common Core standards. Here we will be manipulating different forms of texts which employ the students opportunities to create and develop relevant and long lasting connections. In addition we will synthesize grammar conventions, vocabulary, and reading comprehension cohesively to build and enhance our curricula. In the end we have a product to which we will see the success of our learning!!
In 5th -7th Grade Literature
We are continuing the year with a holistic approach to theme/unit based curricula! Here we will infuse key concepts to which the Common Core standards are aligned and are affording the students an opportunity to utilize different forms of resources and texts to synthesize relevant and meaningful materials for long lasting connections. At the conclusion of our unit, we will have created a product of sorts connecting all the pieces together!!